The Padre is a 3D Survival-Horror Adventure that combines a deep and evocative narrative that involves slaughtering monsters and solving puzzles, delivered through various gloomy voxelized scenes in a Lovecraftian atmosphere.
You are THE Padre and have one job – to eliminate the weeds out of the garden of God. You are stuck in an infested demonic mansion, to do the shoveling with your guns, your faith, or even your bare hands. An unknown presence is watching, waiting to smash your armor of faith into dust.
Survive countless atmospheric scenes of horror. Each room has a new challenge for you; each enemy stands for a different kind of death. Discover the Padre?s story by collecting the pieces of his destiny and reveal secrets to understand his fate.
Key Features
Polished voxelized graphics for cartoon realistic gloominess
Tons of funny and bizarre references to legendary games and pop culture gems
Inspired by classic Point and Click games re-dreamed in a 3D environment
Melee and Shooting combat based purely on skill and timing
No health regeneration – Pure "Fight or Flight" gameplay, spiced up with mind-twisting puzzles
Unique Save System that reflects your gaming behavior
Never-before-seen voxel horrors hunting you
Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe