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Mass Effect Andromeda

PlayStation 4

Box Only
Manual Only
Good - Very Good

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Product Description

The fourth Mass Effect stands apart from the original trilogy. No Shepard, no Normandy, and no characters from the previous games, although the “high-tech” visual style and the space opera setting are recognizable. Andromeda is set even further in the future, hundreds of years after Mass Effect 3. The protagonist (who is customizable) is a Pathfinder, a member of an expedition to the Andromeda galaxy. She or he bears the surname Ryder and has a twin – whatever gender you choose, it will be the opposite. Ryders traveled billions of miles from our Milky Way galaxy on the space ark Nexus. The ship is carrying thousands of passengers in suspended animation, and the Pathfinders?goal is to find them a habitable planet to call home.
Andromeda is heavy on the plot, there are many dialogues and cutscenes that may make you feel like watching a movie. The dialogue options usually define how your character is perceived by the others rather than actual plot forks. The action is played like a third-person shooter, allowing you to aim and take cover. Enemy AI reactions will vary, forcing you to employ flexible tactics. Weapons and gear can be improved through an intricate crafting system that requires you to research an upgrade before it can be assembled.

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Mass Effect Andromeda
PlayStation 4

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Nes Legend Of Zelda 5 Screw Complete In Box

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