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Jurassic World Evolution


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Good - Very Good

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Product Details




Frontier Developments



Product Description

Jurassic World Evolution is a business simulation game that allows the player to construct a Jurassic World dinosaur theme park with attractions and research facilities. Players must build an Expedition Center, which sends paleontologists to fossil dig sites to obtain dinosaurs’ DNA material.[3] DNA sequencing, which can be done in the Fossil Center unlocks new dinosaurs and updates their statistics, such as lifespan and resilience. With enough DNA content, players can use the Hammond Creation Lab to breed and incubate dinosaurs. Players can also improve the dinosaurs’ genes by integrating DNA from modern species with that of the dinosaurs to fill their gaps and allow them to evolve. Modifications to the dinosaurs’ DNA change their base statistics, as well as everything from their level of aggressiveness to their appearance.[4] The game features a terrain tool which allows players to modify the environment by planting trees and creating water sources.[5] Dinosaurs are the game’s main attraction and income earner, although money can also be earned through selling products in stores and guests staying at hotels.[6] The game features approximately 40 dinosaur species at launch.[7] Players can name each dinosaur after they are incubated.[8] Players need to build enclosures to contain dinosaurs for visitors’ viewing. The needs of different dinosaurs, like the type of food they eat and the extent of the social interactions they require, must be met to keep them healthy and satisfied.[9] Dinosaurs, controlled by artificial intelligence, will interact with each other and the environment, as well as guests if they have broken out of their enclosure. For instance, carnivores will attack carnivores of a different species, and they will hunt down herbivores.[5] Players also need to construct various entertainment rides, as well as amenities like restaurants and shops to please the guests. An example of tourist attractions is the Gyrosphere or the monorail from Jurassic World.[10] Players can also use the game’s photo mode to take pictures of dinosaurs, which help the park to earn money and publicity.[11] Each entertainment facility and amenity comes with its own management system. Players are able to set and adjust entry fees as well as the number of staff present in each facility.[5] Dinosaurs can be sold to earn additional income.[12] Various emergency situations may happen in the park, including power failures, unpredictable weather, and dinosaur breakouts, which must be addressed by players to ensure guests’ safety and happiness.[4] Players can build an ACU Center and a Ranger Station, which are responsible for maintaining the park’s security. They can sedate escaped dinosaurs, medicate sick dinosaurs, resupply dinosaur feeders, transport dinosaurs, fix fences, and more.[5] Players can also control vehicles from a third-person perspective such as helicopters and 4×4 trucks to complete these tasks.[3][11] Emergency shelters to protect the guests, as well as other security structures like power network redundancies and storm warning centers, can be built.[11] Many of these security facilities can be upgraded to strengthen their efficiency when dealing with emergencies.

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