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Yo-kai Watch

Nintendo 3DS

Box Only
Manual Only
Good - Very Good

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9.6 A+



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Level 5



Product Description

After selling millions and being a cultural phenomenon in Japan, YO-KAIWATCH is coming to the United States for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. The YO-KAI WATCH game is about hundreds of sometimes cute, sometimes spooky, and usually mischievous Yo-kai that inhabit our world. Yo-kai are not ghosts, monsters or creatures. Yo-kai are, quite simply, Yo-kai. They cannot be seen by the human eye, but they are everywhere. Whether born from the soul of a deceased human, or an everyday object
discovering its higher purpose, their personalities are distinctly humanlike.

As you explore the world, use your Yo-kai Watch to find them, befriend them, and turn them into a team to battle other Yo-kai. Befriending new Yo-kai may not be so easy, though ? in many cases, you will need to battle with them and impress them during your battle. Each Yo-kai has its own unique skills and strengths and you?ll use them to challenge the evil Yo-kai and help people in need of solving daily problems ? like an argument with a friend or forgetting something important ? which may be caused by mischievous Yo-kai hidden everywhere.


With the power of the Yo-kai watch, find and befriend more than 200 hidden Yo-kai, found everywhere in the world, and call upon their powers when you need their help.

Assemble a team of six Yo-kai in your watch to defeat evil and help people.

Each Yo-kai has its own unique skills and strengths, so use strategy to assemble your team to address different problems and fight different evil Yo-kai.

Make your Yo-kai Watch more powerful and upgrade your Yo-kai as you play through the story.

Yo-kai Watch

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Yo-kai Watch
Nintendo 3DS

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Nes Legend Of Zelda 5 Screw Complete In Box

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