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Kid Icarus Uprising

Nintendo 3DS

Box Only
Manual Only
Good - Very Good

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Product Details




Project Sora Co.



Product Description

Some 25 years after the original Kid Icarus™ game for NES™
captured the hearts and imaginations of gamers worldwide, Kid Icarus:
Uprising brings the action and adventure of this beloved series to
new heights – and new visual dimensions – on the Nintendo 3DS™ system.
The dark goddess Medusa and her Underworld Army have returned, and
they’ve got their sights set on the heroic angel Pit. With the aid of
Palutena, goddess of light and guardian of the human race, Pit must fend
off this malevolent threat. The richly immersive graphics of the
Nintendo 3DS system offerincredible depth as Pit battles enemies by air
and by land.

Designed by Masashiro Sakurai – creator of Super Smash Bros.™
– Kid Icarus: Uprising is an epic, action-packed odyssey
that unfolds with stunning 3D visuals. The game also includes
fully-voiced levels and an amazing soundtrack.

Each Chapter delivers nonstop action and is broken up into two
sections: Air Battle and Land Battle. In Air Battle the action unfolds
like a dynamic guided shooter. When Pit is facing enemies in Land
Battle, the game play handles more like a third-person shooter.

A wide variety of collectible weapons offers an extraordinary amount
replay value. With 9 different categories of weapons, ranging from
Bows to Claws, players can learn the unique characteristics of each
weapon and determine which is best suited for each battle and their
style of play.

Experience an innovative take on multiplayer battles in Light vs.
Dark, as two teams battle on land whittling away at the other team’s
health meter each time a team member is defeated. The team battle then
changes to a man-hunt once one team’s meter is emptied. The opposing
team must target the other team’s lone angel to win the match.

The game includes AR
Card compatibility. Using the built-in 3D camera on the Nintendo
3DS system, the game recognizes countless specially designed AR Cards,
with animated game characters popping up in 3D on the game screen and
even battling each other when two cards face off.

The game’s simple, intuitive play control has players hold the system
in their left hand, while the right hand uses the stylus on the touch
screen for targeting. The controls are simple enough to be grasped
quickly, but offer layers of depth and strategy for advanced maneuvers.

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Kid Icarus Uprising
Nintendo 3DS

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Nes Legend Of Zelda 5 Screw Complete In Box

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