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Gears of War

XBOX 360

Box Only
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Good - Very Good

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9.6 C



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Epic Games, People Can Fly



Product Description

The game from the famous game designer Cliff Bleszinski. Gears of War for many years has become the hallmark of the game console from Microsoft. Gears of War is a third-person shooter that uses a cover system from the game Kill Switch as the main game mechanics: the protagonist sticks to the walls, ledges and other elevations on the map, shooting back at the enemies. This is the first game of the series.

The action takes place on the exoplanet Sera. On it, there is a stronghold of human civilization, which after a thousand-year conflict is on the verge of collapse. Underneath all the main human cities, dwells the Locust Horde – inhuman monsters the size of a truck.

The player becomes a soldier Marcus Phoenix from the Coalition of Ordered Governments. The action begins 14 years after the first contact: the prison in which the Phoenix was kept attacked by The Horde. An old friend helps Marcus to get out and thus begins an adventure to save the world from chthonic invaders.

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Gears of War
XBOX 360

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Nes Legend Of Zelda 5 Screw Complete In Box

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