Final Fantasy Legend III is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square Co. for the Game Boy handheld system as the third game of their SaGa series. Initially released for Japanese audiences in December 1991, the game was made available in North America nearly two years later in August 1993. While the title retains many similarities to its predecessors in terms of style and gameplay, the game’s development was headed by series newcomer Chihiro Fujioka, who also served as composer alongside Ryuji Sasai. The North American version of the game saw a re-release alongside the two other Final Fantasy Legend titles in July 1998 courtesy of Sunsoft. In 2010, an enhanced remake of the game was announced for the Nintendo DS titled SaGa 3 Jik? no Hasha: Shadow or Light, featuring three-dimensional graphics, new story elements, and an arranged soundtrack.
The story of Final Fantasy Legend III combines fantasy and sci-fi elements, with the player assuming the role of three characters who were sent back in time to prevent a massive global flood caused by a being known as the Pureland Water Entity from destroying the world. To accomplish their mission, the three heroes, along with companions aiding them on their journey, must travel through time by augmenting their flying time ship, the Talon, with 13 upgrade units from the past and future.