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Battle of Giants: Mutant Insects

Nintendo DS

Box Only
Manual Only
Good - Very Good

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Product Details







Product Description

In a far distant future, a gigantic asteroid went out of orbit and
collided with Earth. This terrible catastrophe left only ruins in its
wake, forever changing Earth?s landscape?.and its inhabitants. Insects,
the most adaptable form of life on Earth, have mutated to transform into
massive giants and become the new rulers of the planet.

As one of four mutated insects, travel through the barely recognizable
lands while battling gigantic enemies to find the source of the
mutation. Your goal? Become the strongest mutant insect on the planet
and survive the chaos!


? Create and Control a Giant Mutant Insect
Scorpion: massive
figures within their rock and molten lava armor
Mantis: covered with
sharpened blades of bamboo branches
Spider: sporting huge toxic bulbs
expelling poisonous fumes
Flying Ant: with their rapid wings and
razor-sharp edges
? Explore the Land ? Discover a new
world of unique challenges
? Roam mysterious new territories of
Ruined Cities, Lava Deserts, Bamboo Forests, and Thick Swamps
Explore underground caverns and uncover special abilities that will
allow you to see through the dense fog and dust.
? Beware of hazards
like enemy insect lairs and bottomless fissures
? Battle other Mutant
Insects and gain powerful gems
? Attack, block, hit, and create
unique combo attacks in Real Time
? Use your insect?s full range of
abilities to win battles ? Head, Claws, Legs, Spit
? Harness
special powers to render enemies powerless, like Poison, Shock, or
? Battle new extreme bosses
? Upgrade your
Insect ? Use collected gems to upgrade body colors, powers, and strength
to adapt to your environment.
? Challenge your friends in 1×1 duels
or Tournament Mode for up to four players. “

Battle of Giants: Mutant Insects

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Battle of Giants: Mutant Insects
Nintendo DS

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Nes Legend Of Zelda 5 Screw Complete In Box

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