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Ace Attorney INVESTIGATIONS: Miles Edgeworth

Nintendo DS

Box Only
Manual Only
Good - Very Good

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9.8 A+



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Product Details




Capcom, Capcom Japan



Product Description

Ace Attorney INVESTIGATIONS: Miles Edgeworth takes the Ace Attorney
series from the courtroom to the crime scene, leaving the legal battle
behind while bringing the action to various crime scenes.

This time around, the player takes on the role of famed prosecutor Miles
Edgeworth, a memorable rival of charismatic legal eagle Phoenix Wright.
Edgeworth actively investigates crime scenes in order to pursue the
truth behind each case. By solving the challenging puzzles presented
him, Edgeworth will work with the police to bring criminals to justice.

Users will be able to directly control the character avatar?s movement
on the scene with the arrow key or touch screen and investigate the
crime scenes freely. If, during the course of an investigation, users
find contradictions, they will be able to obtain new information by
presenting decisive evidence. In some cases, users will identify clues
and conduct examinations of material witnesses. On these occasions,
users will have to uncover the truth behind the crimes using collected
information, the evidence, and logic.

Starring Miles Edgeworth, the popular rival of attorney Phoenix Wright

Game play moves out of the courtroom and onto the crime scene

New investigative style using the Nintendo DS stylus to uncover

Several unique cases to solve with over 15 hours of game play

New technique, such as ?logic? mode assists you in uncovering the crime

Unique dialog trees and interrogation techniques let you question
witnesses to discover the truth”

the demo

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Ace Attorney INVESTIGATIONS: Miles Edgeworth
Nintendo DS

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Nes Legend Of Zelda 5 Screw Complete In Box

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